
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Recount Writing-On Saturday morning

 I am learning to write interesting stories for my readers.

On Saturday  morning.

On Saturday  morning I  went  to  my uncle’s house. We had a  cool  day  at the   house. We   had a swim at the back of the house.

Next when I got in the swimming pool it was cold   so I jumped out of the Pool. After the swim l got  dried.

Then we had a hangi at my uncle’s house. 

The hangi was yum. After the hangi we  went

home. I had a massive cool day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Planting my seedling.


We were learning about plants in the sun. Plants need water and sun to grow.

I found it easy to dig a hole to put my seedling in the outside garden.

I found it hard to carefully hold my seedling when I as pushing the dirt into the hole.

I really enjoyed planting my seedling.

Next time I need to be careful with my plant.

Friday, September 11, 2020

My learning wall

 Here is my graet learning wall.

it shows what level I am on and what I need to get to the next level.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

SMART Relationships.

 WALT be SMART is something happens online that we don like.

We were learning about keeping safe online.

I found it easy to put the letters on to my infographic.

I found it hard to find the images.

I really enjoyed changing the colours.

2 digit numbers.

WALT find tens and ones in 2 digit numbers. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

IsobelÅ› garden.

 WALT find information from the text.

Monday, August 24, 2020

My spider.

Here is  my spider  from the  story a spider in the shower.

2 digit numbers.

WALT Find tens and ones in 2 digit numbers

Friday, August 21, 2020

adding 2 Digit numbers

 WALT  add 2 digit number by counting the tens
And then the ones.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Reading Feeling chart

WALT read  the text to complete this chart.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Growing Pumpkins Summary Chart.

I put my ideas from the book on to my summary chart to help me remember about growing pumpkins.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

Recount Writing-On Sunday

On Sunday
On Sunday morning my mum and l went to the park in Kaitaia to play on the park.
First I went to play on the slide. It was cool.
Next l played on the monkey bars.
After that  me and my mum went to the shop to get some lollies because I wanted some lollies. 
Then we went back home to get  my dad  and  we went  to Mcdonalds and we went back home. 
We were learning about...Recount Writing
I found it easy to...tell my readers when my story happened.
I found it hard to...think of juicy words.
I really enjoyed...writing about what happened.

Next time I need to…hurry up.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Recount Writing

0n Saturday
On Saturday morning me and family went to the pools
in Whangarei for a swim.
First when we got there we went to get changed into our togs. 
I felt so excited.  I was jumping up and down and
waving my hands around.
Next I went out to the pool to have a swim. When l got 
to the pool l bombed in. SPLASH!
The water was very cold. I felt freezing.
My body was shivering all over. So I got out and quickly
ran to the hot tub to get warmed up.
I stepped into the hot tub and the warm water heated me up.
It was so lovely and relaxing.
After that I got out and went to get changed into my clothes.
l felt great because l had an amazing time at
the pools. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bronze Certificate

I have been learning and working with the studyladder programme 
for my online learning.
I have earned over 100 points for my excellent work.
Here is my Bronze certificate.

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Today I watched an awesome video from Nanogirl. She explained about what the coronavirus is, how it works to make us sick and how we can help to stop the virus from spreading. 
I decided to make a video to share what I had learnt and to show people how they can help to 
stop the spread of the virus.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

My Maths

We have been learning with a new online maths programme called
'IKnowIt' maths.
Here is a little video of me working through one of the lessons.

Obstacle Course

My Mum and I created an obstacle course. At every station I had to answer either a maths question 

or read a word. Here are my videos.


This week I learnt about what ANZAC day is about.
I learnt about some of the wars my great grandfathers fought in
and how important it is to remember them.
Here is a video my family and I created to share our stories about our tupuna.

Easter Egg Design

I took part in an Easter Egg designing challenge sent out by our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. 
Here is the design I sent in and the letter I received back from the Prime Minister. 

My Time Capsule

One of our Inquiry learning tasks this week was to collect photos, and record memories, 
stories and feelings about our time in our lockdown bubbles.


Online Learning.

 I am learning online with my Room 4 teacher, Mrs Paraha and my friends.

My Book Review

Every day in our lockdown bubble I listen to stories from Story Online.
I wrote a book review about one of the stories.

My letter to Whaea Mandy and Harold

I wrote this letter to Whaea Mandy and Harold to
thank them for sending us a video and 
to tell them what we've been doing
in our lockdown bubble.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Reading-The Rescue

WALT find and talk about the main ideas in the text.

Monday, February 24, 2020

My Treaty of Waitangi video

I have been learning to use Explain Everything to share my learning about the Treaty of Waitangi.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Recount Writing-My draft copy.

I am learning to use the correct structure and language for Recount writing
This is the draft copy of my writing

Recount Writing-At the Skatepark

I am learning to use the correct structure and language for recount writing.
This is the published copy of my writing
On Sunday morning I went to the skatepark
with my mum and dad. 
First, we got a scooter and we got a skateboard.
Next, we went home for dinner at home. 
I went to Rawiri’s house. I went home.
I went to the park with my mum and dad
and we went home.  It was fun.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Treaty of Waitangi

WALT write our ideas about the Treaty of Waitangi.

The Treaty Of Waitangi
Maori people were in NZ first.
English people came next.
They started to fight.
The Maori chiefs asked for help.
King William sent two people,
James Busby and William Hobson to help.
They had a meeting with the Maori chiefs.
They made some rules.
We will look after each other.
We will look after the things in NZ.
We will look after NZ.
They were partners.
They agreed with the rules and they 
Signed the treaty.
The treaty was called the 
Treaty of Waitangi.

The treaty was to keep NZ safe.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020