
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Growing Pumpkins Summary Chart.

I put my ideas from the book on to my summary chart to help me remember about growing pumpkins.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

Recount Writing-On Sunday

On Sunday
On Sunday morning my mum and l went to the park in Kaitaia to play on the park.
First I went to play on the slide. It was cool.
Next l played on the monkey bars.
After that  me and my mum went to the shop to get some lollies because I wanted some lollies. 
Then we went back home to get  my dad  and  we went  to Mcdonalds and we went back home. 
We were learning about...Recount Writing
I found it easy to...tell my readers when my story happened.
I found it hard to...think of juicy words.
I really enjoyed...writing about what happened.

Next time I need to…hurry up.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Recount Writing

0n Saturday
On Saturday morning me and family went to the pools
in Whangarei for a swim.
First when we got there we went to get changed into our togs. 
I felt so excited.  I was jumping up and down and
waving my hands around.
Next I went out to the pool to have a swim. When l got 
to the pool l bombed in. SPLASH!
The water was very cold. I felt freezing.
My body was shivering all over. So I got out and quickly
ran to the hot tub to get warmed up.
I stepped into the hot tub and the warm water heated me up.
It was so lovely and relaxing.
After that I got out and went to get changed into my clothes.
l felt great because l had an amazing time at
the pools.